Welcome to Monhegan.com
Monhegan is not just an Island twelve miles off the coast of Maine. There are as many Monhegans as there are minds and hearts that can conceive of it. This website in search for the essence of Monhegan. Monhegan can be described, only in part, but never defined.
While the site centers on an island, it really is about the sharing of subjective experiences for the purpose of enriching our own experience as well as the building of community – a community of individuals who are sharing a commons: the Monhegan Island that exists not only 12 miles off the coast of Maine but also the one that resides within our minds, hearts, and imagination.
For, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Fox explains to the Little Prince: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
So then, what Monhegan is in your heart? This Monhegan belongs to us all. Tell us of yours and enrich it with ours… contact us to share your story