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January–Song in E Minor – Gayle LaVallee
JANUARY–SONG IN E MINOR The measured voice of a silver clarinet, insistent repetitions on a jazz pianist’s keys flow out in unseen waves across the air from Maine. Deep blue variations from a distant saxophone insinuate their point and counterpoint probing the amber spaces of this room on this island where friends are gathered to […]
Carols – Marjorie Mir
CAROLS The conjured images are changeless over time. In the “little town,” windows are lit beneath slanted roofs, dark streets lined with bare-limbed trees, above them, a clear midnight sky, scissored stars, Orion’s belt. The angels’ breath is visible. All Faithful leave bootprints as they come. And the Family huddled and homeless in their shed, […]
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You can post directly by registering on this page. This may be sloppy at first as I am at least as new to this system as most of you, but together (with Jim as the technical glue) we can share better the Monhegan we hold in common. Give it a try, Peter
Winter Solstice –for Jeb Jan Bailey
WINTER SOLSTICE for Jeb The full moon floats in a cauldron of white. Along the bank, birches snatch at the boy as he skates the pond, dizzy with speed. His mother clings to the sidelines where the ice is more transparent, where she can judge the depth by twig and frozen leaf while he lunges […]