ISLAND POND HAS FROZEN Island pond has frozen But not enough for skaters. Weather says: Three to five inches Of white stuff, Rain and sleet. Hunker down, Hearth Huggers, Bolster forth, Brave Hearts. Yes, we are dreamers of winter full, Still shy the solstice When time hangs still Twixt shorter nights And longer days to […]
Blog Page
Evolution of the Commons – A request for help
For many who consider themselves as part of Monhegan Commons, it is recognized that one of the major goals of this virtual commons is a search for ways to avoid the logical results described in Garrett Hardin’s essay, “The Tragedy of the Commons”. The dilemma posed by Hardin here, in over simplified terms, points out […]
SUNDAY SERVICE The road shaped to a slope divides. Monhegan House, Trailing Yew, Mrs. Cundy’s Cottage- windows over walls of darkened roses. We step from church into our galaxy, which here includes the scattered lamps of town. Our unspoiled night can still declare God’s glory: distant waves sounding for all the world like wind in […]
Blessings by Gayle LaVallee
BLESSINGS Barefoot and hair unbound, in cotton gown I lean against the wood frame of my door and watch the day bleed down to fill the wine-tinged sea. I close the door. Now in my room and my small bed, I turn toward sleep. Above my roof, darkness moves in to mingle with the darkened […]