Early this morning on my walk I heard and thrilled at all the robins calling out. First time for this many of them this year so far…the greenery on all my Spring bulb plants is out of the ground a few inches…and I saw only one little tiny pile of compacted snow left from the very first blizzard back in Dec….
so while Winter has not made his complete exit yet, he does not seem as intimidating as he did a few weeks ago….may Spring in all its glory come forth soon for ALL..!!
Early this morning on my walk I heard and thrilled at all the robins calling out. First time for this many of them this year so far…the greenery on all my Spring bulb plants is out of the ground a few inches…and I saw only one little tiny pile of compacted snow left from the very first blizzard back in Dec….
so while Winter has not made his complete exit yet, he does not seem as intimidating as he did a few weeks ago….may Spring in all its glory come forth soon for ALL..!!