Why these thoughts of spring?
Is it the smell of the air,
the light on the snow?
For spring gardening,
to shake out the dried loam
from last fall’s shoes.
Clear weather at last!
The gray hills are green again
& five miles nearer.
He lies in the grass
& feels the kite above him
tugging at the string.
Marjory Bates Pratt
Great choices, I love these. My grandmother was a special lady!
Indeed she was!
Indeed she was.
Our whole family loved your grandmother, and your grandfather too. They were magical people for all 7 of us, from toddler to teen. The only people who, tho not relatives, wanted us all to come for supper every year during our brief visits. While Marjory looked on benignly, Carroll would play gentle games with us. I was already a haiku fan; when your grandmother gave me one of her hand-lettered collections I was bowled over. What a fine heritage you & your children have! Lucia