At a Maine Wind forum May 20, 2010 at the Rockport Opera House, locations as varied as Ragged Mountain, Vinalhaven, Monhegan and waters 20 to 50 miles offshore were discussed. The key speaker University of Maine’s Habib Dagher, PhD, leader of the DeepCwind Consortium said that the conflicts over the siting and effects of land-based and nearshore windfarming […]
offshore energy

Maine ocean windfarming bill passed into law: Monhegan & more distant offshore get the incentives
Several takes on the conclusion of LD 1810, An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Governor’s Ocean Energy Task Force What all sources agree on is that the state is leapfrogging over state waters to much windier sites ten miles and more offshore for utility size windfarming. It is also noted that the state […]
The “thirty pieces of silver” bill.
Some here have wondered about what sort of economic benefits Monhegan might gain from becoming “host community” to the University of Maine’s wind turbine research operations. What wergild, if any, would be acceptable? Today at the Maine Legislature, there was a work session of the Utilities and Energy Committee on LD 1504, which has been […]

Wind Off the Water
Legal Action. Maine Superior Court was asked Monday to suspend Bureau of Parks & Lands decision approving Monhegan offshore wind energy test center, test area. Click picture of complaint’s first page for 9 pg pdf of legal petition filed January 25th. Conservation activist & deep ecologist Ron Huber has asked Maine Superior Court to rule […]