
Monhegan Commons

Monhegan Commons is an independent Internet site with no affiliation and/or support from any governmental entity. Non identified views or opinion may be assumed to be those of the site’s facilitator. The site is maintained by Monhegan Boat Line, based in Port Clyde, Maine.

A Word of Warning: Despite our efforts to be accurate, these pages may contain errors. We present this website to you with a good-faith representation that the information it contains is generally reliable. Information on this site should not be relied upon for legal purposes. If you need further information, we would encourage you to contact us directly or seek the advice of a professional.


Monhegan is not just an Island twelve miles off the coast of Maine. There are as many Monhegans as there are minds and hearts that can conceive of it. Monhegan Commons is in search for the essence of Monhegan. Monhegan can be described, only in part, but never defined.   While the site centers on an Island, it really is about the sharing of subjective experiences for the purpose of enriching our own  experience as well as the building of community… a community of individuals who are sharing a commons … the Monhegan Island that exists not 12 miles off the coast of Maine but the one that resides within our minds, hearts, and imagination.  For, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Fox explains to the Little Prince: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

So then, what Monhegan is in your heart?  This is a commons after all.  This Monhegan belongs to us all.  Tell us of yours and enrich it with ours.

Photos on this site prior to 2012 are almost all by Peter Boehmer,  unless otherwise noted. (Peter started this site and ran it for many  years.)

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Peter. How do I submit writings for consideration? I am registered but do not know how to submit. – Thanks for this website. I will make a contribution soon. – Tom C

  2. Tom,
    On the right side of the site is a column that includes “Meta”. “Register” is the first option, and is self evident, and is required to be filled out by you in order to up load your writing. For greater understanding of how it works…. upload “https://monhegan.com/welcome-contributors/”. Hope this is helpful, but if not clear, let me know.

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