Blog Page
Ornithology – Chris Agee
Ornithology Sophocles calls birdwatching a hallmark of men; it jostles beside language, law, ethics, navigation. What could he have meant? Augury? Love of elusive difference? The pagan proclivity for fauna? The zoomorphy of myth? I surmise too the power of naming, Eve dreaming in […]

Maine ocean windfarming bill passed into law: Monhegan & more distant offshore get the incentives
Several takes on the conclusion of LD 1810, An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Governor’s Ocean Energy Task Force What all sources agree on is that the state is leapfrogging over state waters to much windier sites ten miles and more offshore for utility size windfarming. It is also noted that the state […]
Overheard Near the Seal Ledges -Larry Wilson
OVERHEARD NEAR THE SEAL LEDGES it grieves me somber, seeing there are those among the Folk who have forgotten how to speak, to sing, whose children will not know the heady joy of slipping out of skin and dancing on the land in mortal guise it grieves […]
Help wanted
This site needs an Art page – which needs an art editor/monitor. Some knowledge of art is necessary but more important is the ability to stimulate and embolden others to share their subjective Monhegan art experience. It is all an experiment is sharing. If you are interested in exploring this possibility further, please contact Peter.