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In This Room – Lucia Weinhardt
IN THIS ROOM Waking to the peace of an untethered white light in the tiny room I’ll call my own for this […]
Dorothy Stanley died
Dorothy Stanley died yesterday, March 12th.

Key Maine legislators tell committee: No windfarms in state waters – bad for fishermen. Monhegan discussed
Thursday March 11th, the Legislature’s Utility and Energy Committee held its public hearing on LD 1810. Listen to the legislators and testimony to them by MDEP, DMR, Neptune Energy & other would-be wind industrialists, and opponents and supporters of the same. Lance Burton describes to legislators his life on Monhegan and in Castine and what […]
Sensing Monhegan -Lucia Weinhardt
SENSING MONHEGAN With eyes closed I sense our approach seas churn beneath and the boat nears the hidden harbor ensconsed behind Manana’s looming cloak I sense her enormity on the right as we slip past, smutty nose off to portside the dock is near we come clumping up to the boards and hit home with […]

Fishermens Forum – Audio of Monhegan R&D floating windsite talk, other nearshore wind issues
“What does Ocean Energy and Wind Power mean for Maine’s Fishermen?” was title of a seminar at the Fishermen’s Forum in Rockport Maine on Saturday March 6, 2010. The discussion included a review of the UM R&D wind site off Monhegan by scientist Neal Pettigrew, a description of the new bill LD 1810 that would […]
Childhood Memories in Black and White – R.A. Szostek
CHILDHOOD MEMORIES IN BLACK AND WHITE This old black and white photo has ignited my imagination, to thoughts racing, of island children, home grown, and temporarily transplanted, to Summer seasons long ago. There they sit, unaware they have taken root in the rich field of Time that will grow the most cherished memories of childhood. […]