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Maine Superior Court asked to suspend 12/14/09 designation of Maine Offshore Wind Research Center.
Legal Action. Until new state wind rules are set and enforced during decision making, Maine’s Bureau of Parks and Lands has no business selecting and designating Maine offshore wind energy test areas. Local media coverage: Herald Gazette and Maine Public Radio News That’s what conservation activist Ron Huber wants Maine Superior Court to confirm. […]
Stitch and Bitch – Jan Bailey
STITCH & BITCH The women settle, their needles click in thick air. At the window one heart-red geranium lists toward light, three paper whites wrest from fisted bulbs, their roots worm about the small stones. The coffee steams, cakes slant on the sideboard beside the china plates and cream, spills of yarn pool in russet […]

Wind Off the Water
Legal Action. Maine Superior Court was asked Monday to suspend Bureau of Parks & Lands decision approving Monhegan offshore wind energy test center, test area. Click picture of complaint’s first page for 9 pg pdf of legal petition filed January 25th. Conservation activist & deep ecologist Ron Huber has asked Maine Superior Court to rule […]
Monhegan Summer day – Jim Stallings
MONHEGAN SUMMER DAY Reflections from the Pierce House Porch Primroses, Chrysanthemums Phlox Artemisia Marsh grass yellow, brown, green Swallows’ orange breasts, slate gray backs Seascapes Crashing surf Lobster traps Stacked five high Laundry on lines Graveyard stones Face the village and harbor From 18th century Brackett Pierce Trefethren Starling Orne Wait staff time off Sitting […]
Rope Shed here or there?
There are times I wonder about the differences between Recent Comments featured atop the right side bar, and the Rope Shed buried in the headers above. Of course I know the difference, but am interested in what you think? Do we need only one (which then and where on the site) or a combination (if […]
Capstan Chantey-Matt Williamson
CAPSTAN CHANTEY (after hours) memories gather thick and random no more welcome than gnats whirring over the moss on the fragrant hummock the old pine left in dying i was thirty then just finding life uneasily blissful in my new and doomed marriage a late bloomer husbanding trouble and strife that warm atlantic night kathy […]