A very unhappy piece of news about Harry Bone came our way a month or so
ago, He has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Following surgery has
been living in a nursing home in his home town. Although his short-term
memory is poor, he has excellent long-term memory and loves to hear
from his old friends. Jan and Billy visited him, as did Billy Boynton
and Janice Green, among others, and report that he isn’t in pain and
that he saves his cards and rereads them.
His address is;
Good Shepherd Nursing
1200 W. New York
Deland, FL 32720
This seems like a great chance to be able to tell Harry how much we care
about him, and to remind him of funny or happy things we remember doing
with him as well as things we love about him and will remember. (His
great smile, maybe?)
Lucia Miller