There are times I wonder about the differences between Recent Comments featured atop the right side bar, and the Rope Shed buried in the headers above. Of course I know the difference, but am interested in what you think? Do we need only one (which then and where on the site) or a combination (if possible) of both, and where on the site?
I think it is time to replace the rope shed in favor of this location. I very much like the new site…Ken
I’ve also felt that it is somewhat ambiguous and confusing as to where to see comments and also give one’s own feedback on any given topic, photo, poem or essay. The new right-hand column (“Recent Comments”) seems most accessible, but I, myself, have two reservations: (a) comments there are chronological, not grouped by topic (I much prefer the latter); and (b) I sure would hate to lose the “Ropeshed” label (maybe the words, “Recent Comments,” could just be replaced with the words, “Rope Shed”). I also miss the iconic photo of the little model of the shed, itself.
It seems to me the comments on the front go with the photos and the comments in the Rope Shed are more general conversations.
I prefer the Rope Shed, accessed thru the headers, for3 reasons.
1, you don’t see them if you don’t want to
2, they are grouped by subject.
3, they are easily found even if they are not the ‘Recent Comments’.
I agree with Gail’s comment and I, too, enjoy the little rope shed picture. J