Author: Peter
Thomas Crowley, Jr’s Monhegan
First Contact, Lifetime Impact I first sailed into Monhegan when I was 17. It was 1965. I saw a man walk out of a shelter made of driftwood followed by goats. I saw a white hotel on the other island and no one was there. I heard a car engine and then it stopped. It […]
Larry Wilson’s Monhegan
My first experience of Monhegan was summed up in a sonnet I wrote which starts : “we came last summer, just the day, an impulse ticket out of Boothbay Harbour, and the Island hidden, clouded, veiled in rain…” Someone had declared a poetry night at the Library and I wrote two sonnets in an afternoon […]
Dawn Peck’s Monhegan
I have been really enjoying all the responses to Experiencing Monhegan (for the first time or again). Monhegan seems, based on so many of these descriptions, to be a true wellspring to many people – a place to be renewed in whatever way each needs to be. That is amazing. My own first experience of […]
Remembering Monhegan
(This isn’t MY (Thais Faller Gloor’s) memory, but the response of a friend that brings to mind many things.) Last summer a first-time visiting friend of mine commented after a couple of days on how “immersed in the earth” she felt while on the island. I loved the way she put it, and totally agreed […]

Letters / Cards to Harry
HARRY T. BONE A very unhappy piece of news about Harry Bone came our way a month or so ago, He has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Following surgery has been living in a nursing home in his home town. Although his short-term memory is poor, he has excellent long-term memory and loves to […]