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Rope Shed, and then some
Oh, this old soul is lamenting the loss of the Ropeshed. It was in the past a forum. Ideas, thoughts to be discussed and ruminated upon, then responded to. Sometimes feisty, of course, but nonetheless invigorating. You looked at the opening photo. That got your head in the proper space. Then you went to the […]
The Heralding- Raymond Stineford
The Heralding The two of them came running in from somewhere off the sand And said together, a voice that spoke for both of them. “There’s a boat of glass tipped down there on the tide and No one is in sight, except the two of us; the sun is shining Through the stern, the […]
A collection of reminiscences. I first arrived on Monhegan in June 1950 to work at the Island Inn to earn money for college. There was an organization known as MYSO – the Monhegan Youth Social Organization. Everyone was strongly encouraged (ordered, I guess, – there was no way to say no) to join. Ruth Grant […]
Monhegan’s possible wind futures.
A gentleman living on the shore of Lake Michigan ,who loves that great freshwater sea, sent these surrealistic possible futures of Monhegan and Manana, should they becomes a locus of Maine wind generation. After all, if one or two windpoles have ‘no significant impact’, why should 3 or 4? Or…more? Take a look at what […]
Island Worship – David Reece
ISLAND WORSHIP Small white church, divine in its simplicity, radiant in the sun, but still so new. Come nightfall, this island, ancient, elemental, harkens back to older gods. Walk the trails, long after midnight. Stare hard at the waves, breaking in the moonlight off Green Point. Is that Poseidon, striding through the surf, waving his […]

Filling in the interstices: lunar power industry wishes to join wind wannabes in planned Monhegan energy test zone
Resolute Marine of Boston hopes to add lunar power energy extractors to the same two square mile area south of Monhegan that the wind industry plans to use to develop giant floating offshore wind turbines, that would be emplaced by the hundreds a few miles east of the test site in federal waters. Now, if […]
What Really Matters?
Monhegan is a particular place that has existed for a long time; humans have lived on or visited it for only part of that time. As always, we humans live in between the past and the future. We hope to continue to learn from the past and carry some of our own learning forward for […]