Editors Wanted




Early September – faculty meeting at Fordham University, Philosophy Department – purpose, teaching assignments.  Envelopes are passed out… opened …. and an audible gasp from a new Jesuit instructor, “Quantum Theory!  I don’t know anything about that…. hell, I’ve never even taught it!”


Do you have an interest or passion that is central to your Monhegan experience?  Granted, the two editors presently contributing to Monhegan Commons, are hardly “new instructors”.  Even so, a good way to learn is to teach (or is “preach”)?  This is all a learning process for all of us (well, we’ll leave Jim out here).  Interchange of passion is what it’s about.  Eventually, we’ll get (most) of it right.

So, if you want a “page”, describe what you have in mind (we might help, but only to make it consistent with the rest of the site).  We’ll post your idea and see the quality and quantity of responses the post draws and take it from there.  No contracts, just flowing with the currents of this virtual community.

Submit to: Peter