Laundress by Gayle LaVallee

LAUNDRESS     early June. The hotel’s tableclothes         curled in my basket, wet             ready for hanging                 my joy among the strong white lines     pinned to the promises of season, green grass,             breeze just recently shorn of daffodils.         I am tall, romantic,             as I stretch them out, tight checks and polka dots,             in fresh sea                 sun.     in August.  […]

Andy’s Shadow – Bonnie Enes

Epigraph: I think it’s what you take out of a picture that counts. There’s a residue. An invisible shadow. —Andrew Wyeth, 1917-2009 Andy’s Shadows Christina’s World– In the left corner a woman in a faded pink dress thin black belt sitting twisted in the meadow her back to us black hair sliced through with gray […]

Monhegan Cached by Gus Bombard

MONHEGAN CACHED The island is always there, imprinted, a fluid, moving backdrop for the planned and daily gestures enacted before it. Miles from the coast, Port Clyde, the Elizabeth Ann, and the ever-changing sea, I read and reread poems written by acolytes who are there in its strong embrace. Their literate, graphic pictures catch in […]

Burnt Head – Betsy Bunn

BURNT HEAD, 2009 The surface of the ocean Ups and downs itself, Foams white and stops to sparkle Then does it all again. I peer and blink and peer again, Moving small binoculars, tightening the view. So much foam. So many bumps and downs. “Please be a whale,” I pray to the bumps. “I want […]