Fox Islands windmill sound recording – Monhegan’s future?

Monheganers can now contemplate the sort of sound that would accompany an on-island windmill,  should one be built on your fair isle.  Just listen to a  podcast of an hourlong unedited recording of Fox Islands Windmills’  sound on Vinalhaven.    Recorded midnight January 1st 2010, when sound meter registered 49-49 dBa.   Recorded on porch of a […]

UMaine prof on Monhegan wind test site, offshore windpower’s future & the end of land-based windmilling. Audio.

At a Maine Wind forum May 20, 2010 at the Rockport Opera House, locations  as varied as Ragged Mountain, Vinalhaven, Monhegan and waters 20 to 50 miles offshore were discussed. The key speaker University of Maine’s Habib Dagher, PhD, leader of the DeepCwind Consortium said that the conflicts over the siting and effects of land-based and nearshore windfarming […]