Monhegan’s possible wind futures.

A gentleman  living on the shore of Lake Michigan ,who loves that  great freshwater sea, sent these surrealistic possible futures of Monhegan and Manana, should they becomes a locus of Maine wind generation.  After all, if one or two windpoles have ‘no significant impact’, why should 3 or 4?  Or…more?   Take a look at what […]

Not just Monhegan

I agree that there’s a serious possibility that alternative energy will impact the quality of natural beauty, not only on Monhegan, but many, many places that alternative energy is introduced. Living in Vermont, I accept that. We will have to sacrifice some vistas, mountaintops. But for me, cell towers and telephone lines already pollute the […]

The “thirty pieces of silver” bill.

Some here have wondered about what sort of economic benefits Monhegan might gain from becoming  “host community” to the University of Maine’s wind turbine research operations. What wergild, if any, would be acceptable? Today at the Maine Legislature,  there was a work session of the Utilities and Energy Committee on LD 1504, which has been […]

Front page of petition sent to Maine Superior Court re monhegan offshore wind test area. R&D center. Jan 25, 2010

Maine Superior Court asked to suspend 12/14/09 designation of Maine Offshore Wind Research Center.

Legal Action. Until new state wind rules are set and enforced during decision making, Maine’s Bureau of Parks and Lands has no business selecting and designating  Maine offshore wind energy test areas. Local media coverage: Herald Gazette and Maine Public Radio News That’s what conservation activist Ron Huber wants Maine Superior Court to confirm.   […]

Front page of petition sent to Maine Superior Court re monhegan offshore wind test area. R&D center. Jan 25, 2010

Wind Off the Water

Legal Action. Maine Superior Court  was asked Monday to suspend Bureau of Parks & Lands decision approving  Monhegan offshore wind energy test center, test area. Click picture of complaint’s first page  for 9 pg pdf of  legal petition filed January 25th. Conservation activist & deep ecologist Ron Huber has asked Maine Superior Court to rule […]

Monhegan Waters and Beyond

Monhegan Waters and Beyond is mostly about resource management issue affecting the Island and beyond.  Ron Huber, a long time ecology advocate, is the Editor.  To begin, Ron will present the data and opinions as relates to the proposed floating wind power station off the southern coast of Monhegan.